Saturday, February 15, 2020

Part 2

Roundtable Pizza.

Karen went on a date with Roger. She saw Terry, Tony 1, and Megan. Terry was upset about something. She met Terry, but did not stay with them. Went to sit with Roger. When the night was done, she got a hug from Rog.

Part 1

One time Roger was down in this creek beating the crap out of some guy. Terry came up from up top. All decked out in her cowboy boots. Said that is my brother in law. Right ready to kick anyone's ass that wold hurt her family members.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


This is The Last House On The Left.
I've been a part of the Thompson Family since the 40's.
But my narrative starts when Roger and Tony came along.
Heard tell once that Tony walked into the Malibu Creek State Park buck nekked. As a toddler!
They loved .. many women!
They partied .. HARD!
They were .. loyal!
And this is their stories, as told by me, The Last House On The Left, by:
Roger Thompson
Karen Thompson
Tony Thompson
Terry Sargent
Tony Sargent
John "Zippy" Paige
John Blazer
Laura Houensee
The Surs
Sheila Maloney